Can dogs help dogs by detecting cancer? Specifically Hemangiosarcoma? Your Shiloh can also help by participating in this study. Learn more and sign up for this seminar.
Dr Cynthia M. Otto, DVM, PhD DACVECC DACVSMR ~ Professor of Working Dog Sciences & Sports Medicine at University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine.
May 18, 2024 – 4:00 PM
As owners of Shepherds, you are probably all too familiar with hemangiosarcoma, the devastating cancer that affects the liver, spleen and heart of so many dogs. We have previously shown that dogs can be trained to detect an odor in blood samples associated with human cancer (ovarian, pancreatic, sinonasal inverted papilloma) and other diseases as a path to early identification. With generous funding from the AKC-CHF, we are going to determine if dogs can help other dogs by detecting the presence of of hemangiosarcoma based on a blood sample. We are collecting blood samples from dogs diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma, dogs with noncancerous conditions of the heart, liver or spleen and healthy dogs (older than 4 years of age). We will be able to collect samples from your dogs and information from you to help train our dogs. We will not be able to tell you if your dog is at risk as this research is just beginning, but we hope that your dogs will help advance the science so we can outsmart this sneaky cancer.
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