Kimberly Calo


elected, 5/2022

New Jersey
Divine Shilohs
~since 2013


I have always loved German Shepherds. They were my first dog as an adult in 1993. I was involved with various rescue groups and served on both the Board of Directors and as Vice President for the Garden State German Shepherd Rescue. I was also a volunteer with the Sedona Senior German Shepherd rescue and was certified as a temperament tester for both shelter and rehomed dogs. After many fosters and rescue dogs I wanted to treat myself and after some research decided on the Shiloh Shepherd breed.

Once I had my first two Shilohs…I never looked back. I made it my goal to learn everything I could so I could contribute in every way possible to keeping this wonderful breed around for a long time. I enjoy helping with whelpings and temperament testing and being at shows meeting new people. Our club is something I’ve never experienced before; I have met some of my closest friends and have the best dogs from my time with both the group and the breed.

club member since: 2014


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