ARTICLES »ISSDC Membership & You
Are you tired of sitting on the bench in that old minor league club? Tired of spending all day out in right field with nothing to show for it? Are you and your Shiloh ready for the real major leagues? Join the ISSDC today and come play with the winning team! Our members own some of the top dogs in the country! Collectively speaking the ISSDC proudly supports Champions and Grand Champions from multiple national organizations:
- Multiple ARBA Champions, Grand Champions and Supreme Grand Champions
- Multiple Rarities International Champions, Grand and Supreme Grand Champions (Including the most titled conformation winner of all time - Apollo)
- Multiple Canadian Champions and Grand Champions (RBCSWO)
- Numerous Champions of record with IABCA, NKC and NCA
- Countless Champions with titles such as GV (Grand Victor/Victrix), NS (National Select) and ROM (Register of Merit), as awared under the breed's founder.
In addition, our Shiloh Shepherds are actively proving their temperaments and trainability. The ISSDC honors all for their efforts to improve the breed's future. Our Shilohs have earned numerous credits, and we are very proud to be the favored club of the most titled Shiloh in history (Nyssa), and the highest titled Obedience Shiloh on record (Baron). Plus many more! The list of acheivements is growing all the time!
- Over 80 CGC Awards
- Over 40 Registered Therapy Dogs (Including the first ever Shiloh certified with the READ program)
- Over 20 HIT (Herding Instinct Test) qualified dogs
- Over 10 HCT (Including the youngest Shiloh ever to qualify in the AHBA Herding Capabilty Test)
- Currently 6 JHD (Including the Fab Five Shilohs responsible for bringing AHBA recognition and herding opportunities to the breed)
- Currently 1 HTAD (Including the first Shiloh ever to receive the AHBA Herding Trial Arena Dog title)
- Currently 2 Service Assitance Dogs
- Approximately 5 Certified SAR Dogs (results pending)
- Over 10 Obedience Titled Dogs (Including the first Shilohs titled with the NKC and the SDA)
Are you interested in a professional club without all the damaging politics and the embarrassing disriminatory tactics? Breeders, haven't you been wishing for a club that you can be proud to refer your puppy people to? Here's your chance! Researching the Shiloh breed? We are here to answer your questions so please join our eGroup on Yahoo! We welcome Shiloh enthusiasts from ALL registries at the ISSDC, the preferred club choice of many longstanding supporters! Join us today - we'll help you to realize your Shiloh's full potential and be all you can be!